About Particules Créatives's Shop

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Particules Créatives

Fort de France

Particules Créatives is an artist collective. In plain terms, we are a group of artists and professionals who seek to erase the boundary between art and life.

Cover photo
Particules Créatives is an artist collective. In plain terms, we are a group of artists and professionals who seek to erase the boundary between art and life.

Particules Créatives is an artist collective and a nonprofit organization.

In order to survive artists have to please buyers and Cultural policy. As the result conformism threatens Art. This analysis and the observation of an Art subject to finance lead Particules Créatives to free from the remit of art market to get into everyday life.

Particules Créatives defines himself as an art laboratory. The aim of this artist collective is to create a bridge between art and life.

Whether it be an exhibition or a website, Particules Créatives wants to provide art for everyone.